April 6, 2009

Educate Yo'Self!

Kris Atomic does a really great roundup of the superbomba flicker stream, nostalgia and kitsch galore! - KrisAtomic

Dr. Dov Michaeli asks 'why are Americans resistant to science?' - The Doctor Weighs In

Emily, creator of The Black Apple, is just one of the most stylish ladies ever. I wish I owned every single item of clothing she is wearing in this post, especially that amazing brooch (above) - Some Girls Wander

Check out these notefolios from Poketo, totally cute and handy by the looks of it! - Happy Mundane

Aspen Barker, co-founder of Exhale (a non-judgemental after-abortion counselling service), is Feministe's Hero of the Day - Feministe

You probably will have read about this already, but if you want to feel outraged and helpless all over again, read about how Hamid Karzai has signed a bill that legalizes marital rape, prevents women from leaving the house without a male 'guardian' and other generally awful and depressing things - Feministe, The Guardian

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