October 1, 2009

Educate Yo'Self!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Do, Dump or Marry
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMichael Moore

Poor Stephen Colbert has his heart broken by Glamour Magazine and their whorish readers - Colbert Nation

Don't go to the Huffington Post for medical advice - Salon

'Getting Over It'. A rape survivor's take on the Roman Polanski arrest - Feministe

I think I would like this Tim Burton spread more if it wasn't like almost every other thing he has done. So, boring! - A la Mode

Correlation is not causation. Phil Plait discusses media coverage of the death of a schoolgirl shortly after receiving a vaccine against cervical cancer - Discover

Benjamin Hubert Studio's work at 100% Design. Wow - Apartment Therapy

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