September 29, 2009

Educate Yo'Self!

Gabby Sibide, star of the new film Precious, seems like one cool, confident lady - New York Magazine

Charlie Brooker hates Windows but the cult of Mac scares him more than any system failure. Hmmm - The Guardian

Also, he's not a fan of Art Wanker Damien Hirst. Now that's a stance I can get behind - The Guardian

A homeopath and his wife were jailed Monday for failing to provide adequate medical care to their infant daughter, who died as a result of untreated eczema. Not a happy ending, but a necessary one, given the circumstances - Ninemsn

'$16m youth mental health centre to open in Sydney'. As someone who struggled with mental illness throughout my youth this seems like a good idea to me - ABC Online

Sometimes I falter in my belief that every generation progresses a little past the previous generations' prejudices. Articles like this help to restore my faith - The New York Times Magazine

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