September 22, 2009


Oh, super frustration. I just wrote a post about Vivien Cheng's fantastic range of reworked vintage handbags, and in my infinite wisdom I also just deleted it. Grah!

While I work myself up to writing that whole damn post again, let's continue on the reworked vintage theme and check out some reworked China plates by New Zealander Trixie Delicious. When she becomes super famous, Australia will claim her as our own, a la Russell Crowe.

The first one sums up my general feeling towards all technology right now, and the second one refers to how I feel towards me. Maybe I should buy it and display it on my china hutch.

Love the juxtaposition of the nanna sweetness with her handpainted words, some of which many nannas would probably pretend to be ignorant of. Not mine though, she's a feisty old bird.

Trixie Delicious is having a sale at her Etsy store right now so make sure you check that out.

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